Block decomposition
Let’s look at our form in more detail
<Stack component="form" spacing={4} onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}> <Paper sx={{ p: 4 }}> <Typography pb={2}>Provide your first and last name</Typography>
<Stack direction="row" spacing={4}> <Controller name="firstName" control={control} render={({ field }) => ( <TextField label="First name" variant="outlined" {...field} /> )} />
<Controller name="lastName" control={control} render={({ field }) => ( <TextField label="Last name" variant="outlined" {...field} /> )} /> </Stack> </Paper>
<Paper sx={{ p: 4 }}> <Typography pb={2}>Enter your email</Typography>
<Controller name="email" control={control} render={({ field }) => ( <TextField label="Email name" variant="outlined" {...field} /> )} /> </Paper>
<Paper sx={{ p: 4 }}> <Typography pb={2}>How old are you?</Typography>
<Controller name="age" control={control} render={({ field }) => ( <TextField label="Age" variant="outlined" {...field} /> )} /> </Paper>
<Paper sx={{ p: 4 }}> <Stack direction="row" spacing={2}> <Button type="submit" variant="contained"> Submit </Button>
<Button variant="outlined">Clear</Button> </Stack> </Paper></Stack>
As a result of the tutorial, the following features of our builder will be implemented (each block will have drag and drop)
- persisted state- undo redo state- create blocks - Paper - change padding - Stack - change direction - change spacing - Typography - change padding - change text - TextField - change label - change field name - Button - change text - change type - change variant