Extend change props
We have a lot of props that require customization, let’s do them
lacks the ability to customize its padding. To customize styles, we create a separate ChangeStyle
plugin for this.
addBlock({ name: 'paper', allowContent: { name: ['*', '!root', '!paper'], }, style: { // This is the name of the layer, with the help of // layers you can separate styles if you have a complex block // The root layer should always be there root: { // If you don't want the default value, // you can set it to undefined padding: 4, }, }, components: { view: ({ children }) => { return <MuiPaper sx={{ p: 4 }}>{children}</MuiPaper>; view: ({ block, children }) => { return <MuiPaper sx={{ ...block.style.root }}>{children}</MuiPaper>; }, editor: ({ block, children }) => { const { view } = editor; const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
return ( <> <MuiPaper sx={{ p: 4 }}> <MuiPaper ref={ref} sx={{ ...block.style.root }}> {children}
<Box display="flex" justifyContent="center"> <AddNewBlock id={block.id} /> </Box> </MuiPaper>
<view.ui.ActionPopover referenceRef={ref}> <BlockToolbar id={block.id} /> </view.ui.ActionPopover> </> )
import { Plugin } from '@chamaeleon/core';import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField';
export function ChangeStyle(): Plugin { return { name: 'change-style', apply(editor, { addStyleView }) { addStyleView({ // The addStyleView filter is different from addPropsView, // the first parameter comes a style specification, // exactly the object that we pass to addBlock filter(styleSpec) { return 'padding' in styleSpec; }, // "style" is the equivalent of block.style[layer] component: ({ block, style, layer }) => { return ( <TextField label="Padding" value={style.padding} onChange={(event) => { const parsed = parseFloat(event.target.value);
const isNumber = String(parsed).length === event.target.value.length;
editor.commands.changeStyle(block.id, layer, { padding: isNumber ? parsed : event.target.value, }); }} /> ); }, }); }, };}
Adding to editor
import { ChangeStyle } from './builder/plugins/change-style';
const editor = new Editor({ plugins: [ // ... Root(), Paper(), Stack(), Text(), TextField(), Button(), BlockSettings() ChangeProps(), ChangeStyle() ],});
Now let’s add to our BlockSettings
the rendering of our components to change styles
function DrawerBody(...) { const targetBlock = editor.state.getBlock(target);
return ( <> <Stack spacing={4} p={3}> ... {editor.view.pluginPropsViews.map( ({ id, view: { filter, component: Component } }) => { if (!filter(targetBlock)) return null;
return <Component key={id} editor={editor} block={targetBlock} />; }, )}
{Object.entries(targetBlock.type.style) .map(([layer, cssProperties]) => { return ( <Stack key={layer} spacing={3}> <Typography sx={{ lineHeight: '3rem', borderBottom: '1px solid #ccc' }} > {layer} </Typography>
{editor.view.pluginStyleViews.map( ({ id, view: { filter, component: Component } }) => { if (!targetBlock) return null;
if (!filter(cssProperties, targetBlock, layer)) return null;
return ( <Component key={id} editor={editor} layer={layer} styleSpec={cssProperties} style={targetBlock.style[layer] || {}} block={targetBlock} /> ); }, )} </Stack> ); }) .flat()} </Stack> </> );}
Great, we now have the ability to edit the padding, now if we need to add it to another component, all we need to do is add the padding to the component’s styles section
For the Stack
we need to add spacing
and direction
prop settings
addBlock({ name: 'stack', allowContent: { name: ['*', '!root'], }, props: { spacing: { default: 4, }, direction: { default: 'column', }, }, components: { view: ({ children }) => { view: ({ block, children }) => { return ( <MuiStack spacing={4}> <MuiStack spacing={block.props.spacing} direction={block.props.direction} > {children} </MuiStack> ); }, editor: ({ block, children }) => { const { view } = editor;
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
return ( <> <MuiStack spacing={4}> <MuiStack ref={ref} spacing={block.props.spacing} direction={block.props.direction} sx={{ px: 2 }} > {children}
<Box display="flex" justifyContent="center"> <AddNewBlock id={block.id} /> </Box> </MuiStack>
<view.ui.ActionPopover referenceRef={ref}> <BlockToolbar id={block.id} /> </view.ui.ActionPopover> </> ); }, ... },});
addPropsView({ filter(block) { return block.props.spacing !== undefined; }, component: ({ block }) => { return ( <TextField label="Spacing" value={block.props.spacing} onChange={(event) => { const parsed = parseFloat(event.target.value);
const isNumber = String(parsed).length === event.target.value.length;
editor.commands.changeProperty( block.id, 'spacing', isNumber ? parsed : event.target.value, ); }} /> ); },});
addPropsView({ filter(block) { return block.props.direction !== undefined; }, component: ({ block }) => { return ( <TextField select label="Direction" value={block.props.direction} onChange={(event) => { editor.commands.changeProperty( block.id, 'direction', event.target.value, ); }} > {['row', 'row-reverse', 'column', 'column-reverse'].map((item) => ( <MenuItem key={item} value={item}> {item} </MenuItem> ))} </TextField> ); },});
For the Text
block, add padding
addBlock({ name: 'text', props: { content: { default: 'Enter your text', }, }, style: { root: { padding: '0 0 16px 0', }, }, components: { view: ({ block }) => { return ( <Typography sx={{ pb: 2 }}>{block.props.content}</Typography> <Typography sx={{ ...block.style.root }}> {block.props.content} </Typography> ); }, editor: ({ block }) => { editor: ({ block, editor }) => { const { view } = editor;
const ref = useRef<HTMLParagraphElement>(null);
return ( <> <Typography sx={{ pb: 2 }}>{block.props.content}</Typography> <Typography ref={ref} sx={{ ...block.style.root }}> {block.props.content} </Typography>
<view.ui.ActionPopover referenceRef={ref}> <BlockToolbar id={block.id} /> </view.ui.ActionPopover> </> ); }, palette: () => { return <Typography>Text</Typography>; }, },});
For TextField
you need to add editing label
and fieldName
addBlock({ name: 'text-field', props: { label: { default: 'Label', }, fieldName: { default: '', }, }, components: { view: ... editor: ({ block }) => { const { view } = editor;
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const { control } = useFormContext();
return ( <> <Controller name={block.props.fieldName} control={control} shouldUnregister render={({ field }) => ( <MuiTextField inputRef={ref} label={block.props.label} variant="outlined" {...field} value={field.value || ''} /> )} />
<view.ui.ActionPopover referenceRef={ref}> <BlockToolbar id={block.id} /> </view.ui.ActionPopover> </> ); }, palette: () => { return <Typography>TextField</Typography>; }, },});
Since we already have a component for changing the content
prop, we can generate similar components by changing only the prop keys, collecting them in an array
[ { label: 'Content', propName: 'content', valueIfEmpty: 'Empty' }, { label: 'Label', propName: 'label' }, { label: 'FieldName', propName: 'fieldName' },].forEach(({ label, propName, valueIfEmpty }) => { addPropsView({ filter(block) { return block.props.content !== undefined; return block.props[propName] !== undefined; }, component: ({ block }) => { return ( <TextField label="Content" value={block.props.content} label={label} value={block.props[propName]} onChange={(event) => editor.commands.changeProperty( block.id, "Content", event.target.value || 'Empty', propName, event.target.value || valueIfEmpty || '', ) } /> ); }, });});
Make the rest of the button type
and variant
props, as with TextField, you can group selects into an array
[ { label: 'Direction', propName: 'direction', items: ['row', 'row-reverse', 'column', 'column-reverse'], }, { label: 'Type', propName: 'type', items: ['button', 'submit', 'reset'], }, { label: 'Variant', propName: 'variant', items: ['contained', 'outlined', 'text'], },].forEach(({ label, propName, items }) => { addPropsView({ filter(block) { return block.props[propName] !== undefined; return block.props.direction !== undefined; }, component: ({ block }) => { return ( <TextField select label="Direction" value={block.props.direction} label={label} value={block.props[propName]} onChange={(event) => { editor.commands.changeProperty( block.id, "direction", propName, event.target.value, ); }} > {['row', 'row-reverse', 'column', 'column-reverse'].map((item) => ( {items.map((item) => ( <MenuItem key={item} value={item}> {item} </MenuItem> ))} </TextField> ); }, });});