Paper block
Let’s create our first Paper
building block builder/plugins/paper.tsx
import { Plugin } from '@chamaeleon/core';import MuiPaper from '@mui/material/Paper';import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography';
export function Paper(): Plugin { return { name: 'paper', apply(editor, { addBlock }) { addBlock({ name: 'paper', allowContent: { name: ['*', '!root', '!paper'], }, components: { view: ({ children }) => { return <MuiPaper sx={{ p: 4 }}>{children}</MuiPaper>; }, editor: ({ children }) => { return <MuiPaper sx={{ p: 4 }}>{children}</MuiPaper>; }, palette: () => { return <Typography>Paper</Typography>; }, }, }); }, };}
Adding to editor
import { Paper } from './builder/plugins/paper';
const editor = new Editor({ plugins: [ // ... Root(), Paper(), ],});
Now let’s make a component for the button, when clicked, a list of available blocks for adding will be shown
import { Block } from '@chamaeleon/core';import { useEditor } from '@chamaeleon/react-editor';import AddCircleIcon from '@mui/icons-material/AddCircle';import { IconButton } from '@mui/material';import Menu from '@mui/material/Menu';import MenuItem from '@mui/material/MenuItem';import React, { useId, useState } from 'react';
type AddNewBlockProps = { id: Block['id'];};
export function AddNewBlock({ id }: AddNewBlockProps) { const editor = useEditor();
const a11yId = useId();
const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState<HTMLButtonElement | null>(null); const open = Boolean(anchorEl);
const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => { setAnchorEl(event.currentTarget); };
const handleClose = (name?: Block['type']['name']) => { setAnchorEl(null);
if (name) { editor.commands.insertContent(id, { type: name, }); } };
const allowedBlocksItems = editor.state.schema .getAllowContent(editor.state.getBlock(id)) .map((blockType) => { const Component = editor.view.getBlockViews(['palette'];
return { name:, component: <Component />, }; });
if (allowedBlocksItems.length === 0) { return null; }
return ( <> <IconButton id={a11yId} color="primary" aria-label="add new block" aria-controls={open ? 'basic-menu' : undefined} aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded={open ? 'true' : undefined} onClick={handleClick} > <AddCircleIcon /> </IconButton>
<Menu anchorEl={anchorEl} open={open} onClose={() => handleClose()} MenuListProps={{ 'aria-labelledby': a11yId, sx: { minWidth: 180, }, }} > {{ name, component }) => ( <MenuItem key={name} onClick={() => handleClose(name)}> {component} </MenuItem> ))} </Menu> </> );}
Now let’s add a button to add a block to the root
and paper
blocks, also note that for the paper
block there are no blocks available to add yet, so the button will not be shown
editor: ({ block, children }) => { return ( <> {children}
<Box display="flex" justifyContent="center"> <AddNewBlock id={} /> </Box> </> );},
editor: ({ block, children }) => { return ( <MuiPaper sx={{ p: 4 }}> {children}
<Box display="flex" justifyContent="center"> <AddNewBlock id={} /> </Box> </MuiPaper> );},